Category: Strategy

  • Keyword Research for SEO โ€“ Our Complete Playbook

    Keyword Research for SEO โ€“ Our Complete Playbook

    Keyword research is the foundation of producing content that drives traffic and, as a byproduct, also drives revenue.  In this extensive guide, weโ€™ll be sharing our complete playbook on keyword research for SEO.  Note: This is a longer guide. I suggest working through it section by section.  Operationally, How Do We Do Keyword Research?  The…

  • Search Intent โ€“ What Is It and Why It Matters In SEO

    Search Intent โ€“ What Is It and Why It Matters In SEO

    Search intent is one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind when writing content. If you donโ€™t address the readerโ€™s search intent, not only are you wasting the readerโ€™s time but your own as well.  Your articles simply arenโ€™t going to rank as well. Google pays close attention to search…

  • How to Validate Blog Post Topic Ideas โ€“ Our Process

    How to Validate Blog Post Topic Ideas โ€“ Our Process

    At ScaleMath, weโ€™ve used content to drive growth for more than just a handful of companies, so weโ€™ve seen what works and what doesnโ€™t. In this post, weโ€™ll walk you through ways to validate blog post topic ideas. Whether youโ€™re sporadically getting potential topics from upper management looking for ways to qualify (and disqualify) topics,…

  • ScaleMathโ€™s Approach to Writing High-Quality Content

    ScaleMathโ€™s Approach to Writing High-Quality Content

    Youโ€™ve all heard that: But chances are you wonโ€™t have heard them from people whoโ€™ve run successful content marketing campaigns before (or they have but donโ€™t want to share how they actually do any of the above). We have and โ€“ as usual โ€“ are here to get specific.  1 โ€“ Truly get your reader…