Category: Technical SEO

  • Google Search Console “Not Found (404)” Error

    Google Search Console “Not Found (404)” Error

    Received yet another Google Search Console โ€œNot Found (404)โ€ error email and decided todayโ€™s the day to make sure youโ€™re addressing these issues the right way? Youโ€™ve come to the right place. ๐Ÿ˜… What Is a Not Found (404) Error? A Not Found (404) error indicates that the web page youโ€™re trying to reach was…

  • Should you no index account, login, and registration pages?

    Should you no index account, login, and registration pages?

    In general, yes. There is not much value in indexing pages related to account management (including password reset pages). As such, we would generally apply a noindexย on them for good measure. You are making a business decision and choosing to eliminate that page from appearing in your sitelinks from what I would presume to be…

  • HTTP vs. HTTPS: Why Does It Matter? Everything You Need To Know

    HTTP vs. HTTPS: Why Does It Matter? Everything You Need To Know

    In August of 2014, Google officially announced that websites secured with HTTPS (an SSL certificate) took precedence over websites that weren’t โ€“ i.e ones using HTTP. So I guess that means end of discussion, doesn’t it? Well, no – not really. Some people might actually want to understand what the differences are, how to make the…